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IllnessIPEX syndrome, differential diagnosis


Short information

Comprehensive differential diagnostic panel for IPEX syndrome, differential diagnosis containing 18 guideline-curated or altogether 41 curated genes according to the clinical signs

Number of genes
33 Accredited laboratory test
Examined sequence length
22,7 kb (Core-/Core-canditate-Genes)
76,9 kb (Extended panel: incl. additional genes)
Analysis Duration
on request
  • EDTA-anticoagulated blood (3-5 ml)
Diagnostic indications



Gene panel

Selected genes

NameExon Length (bp)OMIM-GReferenz-Seq.Heredity
AIRE1638NM_000383.4AD, AR
STAT12253NM_007315.4AD, AR
ABCC84746NM_000352.6AD, AR
FAS1008NM_000043.6AD, AR
FASLG846NM_000639.3AD, AR
GCK1398NM_000162.5AD, AR
INS333NM_000207.3AD, AR

Informations about the disease

Clinical Comment

IPEX syndrome (Immune dysregulation, Polyendocrinopathy, Enteropathy, X-linked) mainly affects males. It is caused by dysfunctions of the immune system via attacking tissues and organs of the own organism. IPEX syndrome is characterized by the development of multiple autoimmune disorders in affected individuals, particularly autoimmune enteropathy with severe diarrhea as the first symptom, dermatitis and polyendocrinopathy (type 1 diabetes mellitus, hyperthyroidism, anemia, thrombocytopenia or neutropenia). IPEX syndrome can be life-threatening in early childhood. Mutations in the FOXP3 gene cause this syndrome. The encoded protein is essential for the production and normal function of regulatory T lymphocytes. IPEX syndrome is inherited in an X-linked recessive manner. Regarding the narrower differential diagnosis, at least 9 other guideline-curated IPEX-like syndromes are inherited predominantly in an autosomal recessive manner or rarely in an autosomal dominant or X-linked manner. In total, >30 genes are considered for differential diagnostic purposes. Due to its rare occurrence, the molecular genetic diagnostic yield of IPEX syndrome is currently unknown. Therefore, a negative DNA test result by no means excludes the clinical diagnosis.

Reference: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK1118/


  • Alias: Immune dysregulation, Polyendocrinopathy, Enteropathy, XL, IPEX syndrome
  • Alias: Autoimmune enteropathy type 1
  • Alias: Autoimmunity-immunodeficiency syndrome, XL
  • Alias: Diabetes mellitus, congenital insulin-dependent, with fatal secretory diarrhea
  • Alias: Diarrhea, polyendocinopathy, fatal infection syndrome, XL
  • Alias: Enteropathy, autoimmune, with hemolytiv anemia + polyendocrinopathy
  • Alias: IDDM-secretory diarrhea syndrome
  • Alias: Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus secretory diarrhea syndrome
  • Alias: Polyendocrinopathy, immune dysfunction + diarrhea, XL; XPID
  • Alias: XL autoimmunity-allergic dysregulation syndrome
  • Allelic: Atrial septal defect 9 (GATA6)
  • Allelic: Atrioventricular septal defect 5 (GATA6)
  • Allelic: Blood group, Rodgers (C4A)
  • Allelic: C1r/C1s deficiency, combined, Lupus [panelapp] (C1R/C1S)
  • Allelic: Celiac disease, susceptibility to, 3 (CTLA4)
  • Allelic: Colorectal cancer, hereditary nonpolyposis, type 8 (EPCAM)
  • Allelic: Diabetes mellitus, insulin-dependent, 12 (CTLA4)
  • Allelic: Diabetes mellitus, noninsulin-dependent, late onset (GCK)
  • Allelic: Diabetes mellitus, transient neonatal 2 (ABCC8)
  • Allelic: Diabetes mellitus, transient neonatal 3 (KCNJ11)
  • Allelic: Diabetes mellitus, type 2, susceptibility to (KCNJ11)
  • Allelic: Diabetes mellitus, type II, susceptibility to (PDX1)
  • Allelic: Diabetes, mellitus, insulin-dependent, susceptibility to, 10 (IL2RA)
  • Allelic: Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, periodontal type, 1 (C1R)
  • Allelic: Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, periodontal type, 2 (C1S)
  • Allelic: Hashimoto thyroiditis (CTLA4)
  • Allelic: Hepatitis B virus, susceptibility to (IL10RB)
  • Allelic: Immunodeficiency due to C1, C4 or C2 component complement deficiency
  • Allelic: Immunodeficiency due to an early component of complement deficiency
  • Allelic: Lung cancer, susceptibility to FASLG)
  • Allelic: MODY, type II (GCK)
  • Allelic: MODY, type IV (PDX1)
  • Allelic: Macular degeneration, age-related, 14, reduced risk of (C2)
  • Allelic: Maturity-onset diabetes of the young, type 10 (INS)
  • Allelic: Maturity-onset diabetes of the young, type 13 (KCNJ11)
  • Allelic: Persistent truncus arteriosus (GATA6)
  • Allelic: SLE, infections with encapsulated organisms [panelapp] (C1R)
  • Allelic: Systemic lupus erythematosus, susceptibility to (CTLA4)
  • Allelic: Tetralogy of Fallot (GATA6)
  • Autoimmune disease, multisystem, infantile-onset, 1 (STAT3)
  • Autoimmune disease, multisystem, with facial dysmorphism (ITCH)
  • Autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome, type IA (FAS)
  • Autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome, type IB (FASLG)
  • Autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome, type II (CASP10)
  • Autoimmune polyendocrinopathy syndrome , type I, with/-out reversible metaphyseal dysplasia (AIRE)
  • C1q deficiency (C1QA)
  • C1q deficiency (C1QB)
  • C1q deficiency (C1QC)
  • C1s deficiency (C1S)
  • C2 deficiency (C2)
  • C4B deficiency (C4B)
  • C4a deficiency (C4A)
  • Combined cellular + humoral immune defects with granulomas (RAG1, RAG2)
  • Complement component 1 deficiency [panelapp] (C1R)
  • Diabetes mellitus, insulin-dependent, 2 (INS)
  • Diabetes mellitus, noninsulin-dependent (ABCC8)
  • Diabetes mellitus, permanent neonatal 1 (GCK)
  • Diabetes mellitus, permanent neonatal 3, with/-out neurologic features (ABCC8)
  • Diabetes mellitus, permanent neonatal 4 (INS)
  • Diabetes, permanent neonatal 2, with/-out neurologic features (KCNJ11)
  • Diarrhea 2, with microvillus atrophy (MYO5B)
  • Diarrhea 5, with tufting enteropathy, congenital (EPCAM)
  • Gastrointestinal defects + immunodeficiency syndrome (TTC7A)
  • Growth hormone insensitivity with immune dysregulation 1, AR (STAT5B)
  • Growth hormone insensitivity with immune dysregulation 2, AD (STAT5B)
  • Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome (STAT3)
  • Hyper-IgE recurrent infection syndrome, AR (DOCK8)
  • Hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia, familial, 1 (ABCC8)
  • Hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia, familial, 2 (KCNJ11)
  • Hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia, familial, 3 (GCK)
  • Hyperproinsulinemia (INS)
  • Hypoglycemia of infancy, leucine-sensitive (ABCC8)
  • IDDM-Secretory diarrhea syndrome; DMSD
  • Immune dysregulation with autoimmunity, immunodeficiency + lymphoproliferation (CTLA4)
  • Immune dysregulation-polyendocrinopathy-enteropathy-XL syndrome (FOXP3)
  • Immunodeficiency 12 (MALT1)
  • Immunodeficiency 31A, mycobacteriosis, AD (STAT1)
  • Immunodeficiency 31B, mycobacterial + viral infections, AR (STAT1)
  • Immunodeficiency 31C, chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis, AD (STAT1)
  • Immunodeficiency 41 with lymphoproliferation + autoimmunity (IL2RA)
  • Immunodeficiency 60 (BACH2)
  • Immunodeficiency, common variable, 8, with autoimmunity (LRBA)
  • Immunodysregulation, polyendocrinopathy, enteropathy, XL (FOXP3)
  • Inflammatory bowel disease 25, early onset, (IL10RB)
  • Inflammatory bowel disease 28, early onset, AR (IL10RA)
  • Neutropenia, severe congenital, XL (WAS)
  • Omenn syndrome (DCLRE1C, RAG1, RAG2)
  • Pancreatic + cerebellar agenesis (PTF1A)
  • Pancreatic agenesis + congenital heart defects (GATA6)
  • Pancreatic agenesis 1 (PDX1)
  • Pancreatic agenesis 2 (PTF1A)
  • Severe combined immunodeficiency, Athabascan type (DCLRE1C)
  • Severe combined immunodeficiency, B cell-negative (RAG1, RAG2)
  • Thrombocytopenia, XL (WAS)
  • Thrombocytopenia, XL, intermittent (WAS)
  • Trichohepatoenteric syndrome 1 (TTC37)
  • Trichohepatoenteric syndrome 2 (SKIV2L)
  • Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome (WAS)
  • a/b T-cell lymphopenia + g/d T-cell expansion, severe cytomegalovirus infection, autoimmunity (RAG1)
Heredity, heredity patterns etc.
  • AD
  • AR
  • XLR
  • Multiple OMIM-Ps
ICD10 Code

Bioinformatics and clinical interpretation


  • DAkkS-akkreditiertes Labor
  • EU-Richtlinie für IVD in Umsetzung
  • Qualitäts-kontrolliert arbeitendes Personal
  • Leistungsstarke Sequenzierungstechnologien, fortschrittliche Target-Anreicherungsmethoden und Präzisions-Bioinformatik-Pipelines sorgen für überragende analytische Leistung
  • Sorgfältige Kuratierung klinisch relevanter und wissenschaftlich begründeter Gen-Panels
  • eine Vielzahl nicht Protein-kodierender Varianten, die in unseren klinischen NGS-Tests mit erfasst werden
  • unser strenges Variantenklassifizierungsschema nach ACMG-Kriterien
  • unser systematischer klinischer Interpretations-Workflow mit proprietärer Software ermöglicht die genaue und nachvollziehbare Verarbeitung von NGS-Daten
  • unsere umfassenden klinischen Aussagen


  • Gene mit eingeschränkter Abdeckung werden gekennzeichnet
  • Gene mit kompletten oder partiellen Duplikationen werden gekennzeichnet
  • es wird angenommen, dass ein Gen suboptimal abgedeckt ist, wenn >90% der Nukleotide des Gens bei einem Mapping-Qualitätsfaktor von >20 (MQ>20) nicht abgedeckt sind
  • die Sensitivität der Diagnostik zur Erkennung von Varianten mit genannten Testeinschränkungen ist möglicherweise begrenzt bei:
  • Gen-Konversionen
  • komplexe Inversionen
  • Balancierte Translokationen
  • Mitochondriale Varianten
  • Repeat-Expansionen, sofern nicht anders dokumentiert
  • nicht kodierende Varianten, die Krankheiten verursachen, die von diesem Panel nicht mit abgedeckt werden
  • niedriger Mosaik-Status
  • Repeat-Blöcke von Mononukleotiden
  • Indels >50bp (Insertionen-Deletionen)
  • Deletionen oder Duplikationen einzelner Exons
  • Varianten innerhalb von Pseudogenen
  • die analytische Sensitivität kann geringer ausfallen werden, wenn die DNA nicht von amedes genetics extrahiert wurde

Laboratory requirement

  • Die in grün gezeigten Gene sind kuratiert und werden als Gen-Panel untersucht. Eine Erweiterung des Panels (blau gezeigte Gene, jeweils ebenfalls kuratiert) kann auf Anfrage erfolgen. Sofern unter "Erweitertes Panel" ein Minuszeichen angezeigt wird, sind nur Core-/Basis-Gene verfügbar.

  • Für die Anforderung einer genetischen Untersuchung senden Sie uns bitte die Krankheits-ID auf einem Überweisungsschein. Bitte die Material-Angabe beachten.

  • Für privat versicherte Patienten empfehlen wir einen Antrag auf Kostenübernahme bei der Krankenversicherung.

  • Die Untersuchung wird auch für Selbstzahler angeboten.